Trying to get pregnant is a very personal and emotional issue, something that is not often shared with friends or even relatives; and for that reason it can often feel like a lonely journey. If this sounds like you, rest assured you are not alone.
More and more couples are finding it harder than they thought to get pregnant once stopping contraception. People don’t realise that many other couples have fertility problems until they start to talk about it with friends or work colleagues.
It is estimated that 1 in 6 couples experience fertility challenges, and this number is growing. There are a many reasons why this number is increasing; age, stress, poor diet, hectic lifestyles, environmental toxins, birth control side effects, etc.
In my experience, it is seldom one problem; it is usually a combination of factors. Therefore, the best form of treatment is to tackle all the various issues to form a strong, combined treatment plan that will have the best outcome.
Men and women can developed infertility after having one year of unprotected sex to try and start a family. Some women will measure their body temperature to predict ovulation.
Acupuncture can help you get pregnant quickly as it regulates the hypothalamus thereby regulating fertility hormones as well as regulating energy and blood flow within the body, regulating the fertility hormones contained within the blood again, which all help to regulate the menstrual cycle. It is the menstrual cycle that is the most important aspect of fertility treatment within Chinese medicine and yet is something greatly overlooked in biomedical science.
Most women think that premenstrual symptoms such as sweating at night, abdominal cramps, pain, tender breasts, lower back pain, premenstrual stress (PMS/PMT) are normal but they are not. In Chinese medicine these are all abnormal and give insights into what internal imbalance a woman might have.